Therapy in the Hills
Pediatric Speech-Language Pathology specializing in home health and telehealth
Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:00-8:00pm
All Times in EST - Daylight Savings
Therapy in the Hills is an independent speech pathology clinic serving families in Central Florida and Jamaica through individual online sessions and caregiver education.
Appointments Available
Speech, language, and social interaction are the foundation of a child’s ability to learn and communicate. We specialize in treating school-aged children with autism, speech, language and other disorders.
Free materials for caregiver support and education
Fmr Supervisor
Dr. Levien is well respected in the Central Florida area among the therapy community and other non-profit organizations working with children with special needs. He strongly believes that by working together we are more effective resulting in a greater benefit for the families and children in need of
therapy services.
Ethan communicates well with co-workers, parents and patients and is a highly respected SLP. He is a self-motivated, driven colleague frequently in pursuit of the latest treatment techniques to implement with his patients. He has a strong desire for continual learning. Ethan is an extremely effective therapist as well.
My five year old son Christoff is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and has been seeing Ethan Levien at Therapy in the Hills for one year in online sessions and the result has been amazing. Christoff has improved and his articulation is developing. Mr. Levien is a qualified and professional therapist who goes above and beyond to assist Christoff to develop his speech and language skills. I find Ethan's diligence in speaking with me after each session very helpful and has provided valuable guidance. I am pleased with the therapy we have received at Therapy in the Hills and highly recommend it.
His popularity with his patients, students, and staff is a testament to the positive impact he has in the lives of everyone he interacts with and how he is never too busy to provide a little attention for each of them. As an occupational therapist who has had the privilege of working with Ethan for years now, I can vouch for his character, professionalism, creativity, and expert clinical methods he displays as a speech language therapist daily.